Vampires Part 2

Calvin is heading towards the South West corner after he received a mysterious note from someone. This someone kidnapped Peter and is asking him to go to the South West corner of Seattle. After carefully treading the streets of Seattle, Calvin watches everything and anything in his path. After 10 minutes of speed walking, Calvin arrives at the spot. Almost as soon as he got there, two people stood in front of him. One of them had an automatic rifle while the other was brandishing a spear.

“Hold my hand,” says the guy with the spear.

“And why should I?” Calvin asks.

“Don’t get cocky or you might not see your friend again,” says the guy with the rifle.

“Fine, but put the weapons away,” Calvin demanded.

The men put their weapons away and Calvin took the guy’s hand. Instantly Calvin was teleported to some unknown place. The men, brandishing their weapons anew, pushed him into the dark and damp hallway. Calvin was slowly walking, an since he was an elf, he could see in the dark. The hallway was was about 40 meters long and about 4 meters high. During the slow walk, Calvin noticed many guards hidden in the shadows, all brandishing weapons from modern and ancient eras. After what felt forever for Calvin, they come to a solid wooden door that goes all the way to the roof. As they approach, torches start to light all around them through magic. The flame isn’t an ordinary orange flame, but a bright green.

“Damn it, what type of magic is that?” Calvin mutters so the guards don’t here him.

“To answer your question, it is vampiric magic,” answered a voice that came out of nowhere.

The guards start to snicker and tell him that the “master” can hear anything and everything said out loud. Calvin retains the lesson and keeps quiet. As they walk through the door Calvin sees a young man sitting on a throne made of a mix of silver and iron. The man, or vampire from the earlier announcement, was wearing a fancy suit and wearing a crown made of an alloy of bronze and iron. The gems on the crown were all rubies except for the center jewel which was a bright green emerald. The vampire looks warm and friendly at Calvin as if he was showing how well of a host he was.

“Leave us,” he says to the guards.

“Yes, my lord,” answers three of the guards.

“Finally alone,” he says.

“What do you want with me?” Calvin asks politely.

“You? I want nothing from you, except your knowledge,” the vampire tells Calvin.

“What type of knowledge?” Calvin asks.

“Why do your eyes turn blue sometimes?” the vampire responds.

Calvin was baffled at how he could have figured it out, but as he recalls, there were some suspicious looking people tailing him around Seattle.

“Why should I tell you?” Calvin asks.

“Because I simply want to be your ally, and the first step of trust is to know my name. I am Roman the Third, but you can call me Roman,” the vampire answers.

“Thats great and all, but where is Peter?” Calvin asks sternly.

“Right here,” Roman says as he opens a door.

Inside was Peter living like he usually would. Peter waved hello while he was working on something on his computer.

“WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE!!” Calvin shouts out.

“Calm down, calm down,” Roman says.


“Wellll, when you put it that way it does seem like a huge waste of time,” Roman answers pensively.

“WELL OF COURSE IT’S A HUGE WASTE OF TIME!” Calvin says in a frenzy.

Calvin regulates his breath and calms down.

“Not an entirely,” says the guy from earlier pointing his gun at Calvin while one of his buddies was pointing it at Roman.

“What are you doing Levi? I already paid you for your work,” Roman said in a stern voice.

“Yeah, but that’s not what we are still here for,” answers Levi.

“Then what do you want?” asks Calvin.

“You,” says Levi without a hint of compassion.

“WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME DAMN IT!!” Calvin says in a rage.

“Because you are no ordinary elf, and those blue eyes prove it,” says one of Levi’s henchmen.

“Exactly,” says Levi.

“NOT GONNA HAPPEN SUCKERS!” says Peter as he jumps out of his room with a construction hammer, bashing one of Levi’s henchmen’s head in. The man starts screaming in agony as his head starts bleeding and part of his brain is visible. Calvin takes this opportunity to summon his sword and yells in infernis arderet, and three more of Levi’s henchmen start burning, but immediately after starting to burn, they disappear, sent into the depths of hell. Roman jumps off his throne drawing his sword and mutters πάγωμα, which freezes another two of the henchmen freeze on the spot and crumble in a small pile of snow and ice. In the fray, Peter says ignis malleo and his construction is now on fire. While everyone is fighting their own battle, Levi escapes by jumping out a window and paraglides his way down to the bottom. Five minutes after Levi escaped, the fight with the henchmen is over and the three allies are tending to each others wounds. It was nothing serious, just a few cuts and bruises each, except Peter took a bullet in the shoulder. Luckily, the bullet went straight through, so he didn’t need any surgical help, only a few bandages.

“Where’s Levi?” asks Calvin.

“Uuuuuhhhhh,” replies Roman and Peter at the same time.

“You got to be kidding me, he got away didn’t he?” comes Calvin’s reply.

“I saw him jump out the window but I was too busy with his henchmen,” answers Peter.

“Okay then, we got ourselves a lot of trouble on our hands,” says Roman morosely.

To be continued…

Table of Content:

in infernis arderet: Burn in hell in Latin

πάγωμα: freeze in Greek

ignis malleo: fire hammer