Vampires, Part 1

Calvin and Peter were walking down a street in the early morning to get a coffee, when Calvin’s phone starts ringing.

“Who is this?” Calvin asks without looking at the number.

“You should start looking at the number before answering,” Deville, the person that Calvin get some jobs from, said.

“Yeah, probably never gonna happen,” Calvin replies firmly.

“Who is it,” Peter asks Calvin.

“Deville, virtually meet Peter, my new colleague in my field of business,” Calvin tells Deville on the phone.

“Hi nice to meet you on the phone, I’m Deville.”

“Peter Samson,” Peter says.

“Okay, now why did you call?” Calvin asks.

“Remember how you took two weeks leave?”


“Well, your two weeks are up, I have a job for you and your new colleague.” Deville says.

“Damn it,” Calvin says.

“Yep, and you have to eliminate a vampire,” Deville says.

Just as Calvin hangs up, a car drives by at 60 mph and comes to an abrupt stop. Someone jumps out of the car and grabs Peter while another starts shooting at Calvin. Calvin says the word for shield, his eyes turn bright blue, and a transparent pink shield blocks most of the bullets. The kidnappers then drive away and almost crash into another car. Calvin curses and magically summons his sword and straps his dagger on his leg. He then starts a chase after them, dodging and turning around people to avoid collateral damage. After a while of this, Calvin decides to put his Elven agility to the test. He starts climbing and jumping from one building to another until he reaches the top of a building. From there, he sees that the car is rolling away in the distance. Just when it is out of sight, a scroll appears in his hand. Calvin unrolls it and a message is inscribed in it.

If you want to see Peter alive, come to the SW corner of the city. You will receive further instructions.

Calvin mutters curse words under his breath and sets out to go to the South West corner of the city.

The End