
As Calvin walks into a pub, he sees that a fight broke out. He sees here and there people cowering in fear of being struck. Wanting nothing to do with them for the time being, Calvin decides to get a drink. While waiting for his vodka shot, Calvin watches bystanders on the edge of the tavern, who are inciting a fight between a goblin and an orc. The goblin doesn’t want to fight because of the size and strength difference, so he capitulates. The orc wanting to fight, punches the goblin for no apparent reason. Calvin, feeling indignant by this, walks up to the orc and punches him hard as retribution for the injustice. The orc gets up, grunts, and goes in for a fight. Calvin, having never fought an orc before, is slightly afraid, but he can’t back out now. 

After 10 min of fighting, Calvin is being beaten harder than ever before by the orc, and on the verge of death, he feels energy pulsating through him and into his eyes. The orc jumps back frightened when Calvin’s brown eyes turn into a bright blue color. The orc recovers from his fright and goes in for the finishing blow. Calvin was not able to predict or see his opponents movements before this strange occurrence, but now they become crystal clear. He dodges, takes out his dagger, and jabs it straight into the orc’s stomach. The orc cries in pain and falls down. Calvin’s eyes return to normal and by the time he gets back to the bar, his shot is ready. He drinks it in one swift gulp and leaves the pub.

About two blocks down from the pub, Calvin is jumped by a group of three orcs. Calvin backs away quickly and pulls out his phone, dialing Peter’s phone number for help.

“What the hell are you doing this late at night Calvin,” Peter says half pissed and half sleepy.

“Orcs,” Calvin replies quickly.

Just as he puts his phone away, the first orc runs and lunges at him with a big orcish cleaver. The cleaver itself is about four feet long and about a half foot wide. Calvin noticing that the other two orcs are just support, he thinks that the orc attacking him now is the leader. Just as he finished that thought, a car comes rushing through the street. As it comes to a firm end, Peter jumps out of the car and tosses Calvin his sword. Calvin mutters activus, the magic word to activate the magic within the sword. When Calvin says the word, Peter tells him that his eyes turned bright blue. Calvin felt it but decided to ignore and actually block the cleaver wanting to sever the link between his body and head. Calvin deflects the cleaver and launches his own counter attack. He mutters ignis, the word for Fire, and as before, his eyes would flash blue. Once the word said, his sword is on fire and he goes in for the kill. First, he ducks to avoid the cleaver, then, his eyes blue again for some reason, he goes in for the final blow and cuts the orc in half. After cleaning off his blade, Calvin sees that Peter killed a second orc and let the third go.

“Why did you let the third go?” Calvin asks.

“Why not, he could be a messenger to let others know not to mess with us, and also, what the hell is wrong with your eyes” Peter replies.

” I think they turn blue whenever I use magic or have an adrenaline rush,” Calvin says.

” That would be very useful when you can turn it on and off whenever you want,” Peter replies.

“Yes, yes it would,” Calvin answers calmly.

They both get in the car and drive away into the nighttime.

The End